
For most people, jigsaws are relaxing – the opposite of work – and this is supposed to be a blog-hop of our workdesks.edge-002.JPGBut this is my first attempt at a jigsaw since my stroke 11 years ago, and I can tell you it is HARD! I thought the challenge would be to my dexterity – handling the roughly 1.5cm-sized pieces – but no, I am using parts of my brain I haven’t used for well-over a decade!box-001I found I could only sort out the straight edges by turning the pieces over – the blue background against the wood made it easier to spot the straight edges.barn-001As I tried to connect the pieces, I was surprised to find the colours and patterns didn’t help (too confusing!), so I’m looking at the precise shape of the pieces. I cannot sit at it for too long – I honestly get brain-ache, that slightly dizzy, queasy feeling I remember I got the first time I sat up, the first time I stood, the first car ride, the first trip to the supermarket…

I can honestly say, I am working very hard at my ‘desk’ (the dining table) trying to complete this 500-piece puzzle… And I must say I am very proud of myself to get this far todayfolk-001.JPGSharing with Julia here.

Wed. am UPDATE: Boy, I was tired!! Didn’t even open my eyes till almost 7am – two hours later than usual… Clearly, my brain needed the ZZzzz’s.sleep

16 thoughts on “woyww490

  1. Clare you obviously needed the rest and will be grateful of the extra hour we get when those clocks go back this weekend. I miss the jigsaw time I used to have with my playgroup and my own children, it has to be years since I completed an adult sized one.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all those pieces are there..
    Take Care & Happy WoyWW Tracey #5


  2. How fascinating Claire. I was told by the Neuro team to challenge my brain every day and challenge my balance as often in the day as possible (I had surgery that sacrificed a lot of ear and balance mechanisms). I still love puzzles and just assumed they were getting harder because I’m getting older and slower…perhaps those advances aren’t quite as fast as I thought! I understand the exhaustion though, you don’t even know you’re brain tired some days, i find it’s the OST innocuous activities, too!


  3. I can soooo empathise with you about the jigsaw, I can no longer do them, or read a book…. that’s another ability I have lost.
    Keep on putting the pieces together, you have more done than undone now.
    Then enjoy a restful week.
    Christine #15


  4. Hi Claire, well done in all the effort. And for not giving up! Totally get the ‘brain tired’, it’s an effect of many illnesses and surgeries we never ever think of. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X


  5. You’ve done a great job so far! I don’t have the patience to do it, not the small ones, I remember when the kids were small and asked my help, I always found some excuse. 🙂


  6. I sympathise with the issues you’re having in recognising the straight edges and other pieces – it’s amazing how the brain is affected by strokes, neuromas and the like but no-one really thinks about the aftermath. You’ve done really well with he jigsaw so far and I’m not surprised you were tired after it.
    HUgs LLJ 13 xxx


  7. Claire, I am impressed with your perseverance. Glad you managed to get some extra rest as you were tired. Well done for making it so far through the jigsaw already. Sarah #3


  8. Hi Claire, well done on the progress with the jigsaw – I have one on the go for over 4 years that I have not finished! It’s in one of those large zip folders so I don’t see it …. maybe I should commandeer the dining table then I would have to complete it! Have a lovely week Heather x #8


  9. It sounds like the jigsaw is really testing you but it will no doubt benefit you in the long so well done for sticking to it. You’ve reminded me that I have a jigsaw just waiting to be made up too. The long sleep probably did you the power of good too. Have a great week and good luck with the rest of the jigsaw. Elizabeth x #26


  10. Interesting Jigsaw, good luck at completing it. If you sleep longer than usual it’s because you need it. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x11x


  11. How brave of you to ‘train’ your brain with a puzzle… it IS hard to find the pieces and wowzah, you did a good job! Do remember to rest and don’t force it! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #19


  12. I love jigsaw puzzles, just not having to deal with the boxes and loose pieces (I live with cats) SOOOOOO…. here you go: Google “Jigidi”! Loads and loads and loads of great puzzles (lots of which I uploaded myself, thank you very much) that you can do online. If you are working on a puzzle and have to go dump water on an omelette that’s on fire, it will save your work so you can go back to it at any time. You can choose whether you want to do a puzzle with 50, 100, or up to 500 pieces. You can choose from thousands of pictures, including fine art, goofy cartoony ones, photographs of beautiful places, AND you can upload pictures that you took yourself or pictures you find online that you’d like to do as a puzzle! It’s such a great website, and it’s free too. You can even set the background color that you work on, to ease your eyes. I use it at work during slow times. You get all the mental activity out of it, but no loose pieces under the sofa. WIN!


  13. You’ve done brilliantly well with the jigsaw, keep up the good work – I love the feeling of achievement when one is completed, but I have a confession – I often pack a jigsaw in before completing the boring/difficult bit such as the sky or snow. I’m sure you won’t be doing that!!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17


  14. WOW Claire this is definitely an accomplishment not to be taken lightly. I don’t remember the last time I did a puzzle, mmmmmmmm


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